Broad Beans
French and Runner Beans
It is important to grow some bean plants specifically for seed, rather than simply collecting the left-over pods at the end of the season. The plants should be good strong specimens and any that are less healthy looking or not true to type for the variety should not be used for seed productions.
To collect the seeds, allow the pods to mature fully on the plan until they start to yellow and dry out. Then spread out somewhere in the sun with a good airflow until the pods are fully dry and brittle. Once they are dry, shell out the beans and dry further out of the pods. Store in an airtight container. If they are well dried and stored in a cool dark place, the beans will last around 2 years.
If you have problems with weevils eating your seeds, put the sealed container in the freezer for a week immediately after drying the beans, this will kill any insect eggs before they hatch. When you take them out, let the container come up to room temperature before opening it, otherwise the beans will absorb moisture from the air.
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